Offered Courses:

Integrated Optics,

2nd Semester, 1389-90

Schedule: Sunday, and Tuesday 15:00-16:30

General Description

... may God us keep

From single vision and Newton's sleep.

                                        William Blake


                     where is the mirror?

Integrated optics- spurred by onerous demands of the information superhighways, the everlasting call for faster operations in signal processing, and the need for devising more efficient and more effective sensing methods- has been developing very rapidly during the past decades. This course is aimed to provide the basic physical background underlying the research areas of Integrated Optics, where the following topics will be covered:

1. Photonics: Good, Bad, and Ugly,

    1.1. Integration and the Future of the Moore's Law

    1.2. Optical Solutions: Pros and Cons

    1.3. Major Challenges

    1.4. Economical Factors and Market Demands


Some notes on the most recent progress made in optical technologies.

Some notes on wave propagation in anisotropic crystals

Some notes on wave propagation in inhomogeneous media  

A paper on wave propagation in inhomogeneous media by using Airy function expansion

A paper on wave propagation in non-uniform transmission lines

A paper on giant Goos Haenchen shift

Lecture notes on Dielectric Waveguides

Lecture notes on Dielectric Waveguides

Understanding Leaky Modes

2. Basic Theoretical Models,

    2.1. Maxwell's Equations,

    2.2. Differential Transfer Matrix Method,

    2.3. Pole-Zero Modelling of One-dimensional structures,

    2.4. Applications: Pulse Shaping, Sensing, Filters and Switches

3. Open Dielectric Waveguides,

    3.1. Slab Waveguides: Proper and Improper Modes,

    3.2. Channel Waveguides,

4. Guided Wave Properties

    4.1. Mode Orhtogonality,

    4.2. Perturbation Theory,

    4.3. Coupled Mode Theory,

5. Periodic Structures

    5.1. One-dimensional Stuctures and Bloch Theory,

    5.2. Diffraction Gratings,

    5.3. Periodic Waveguides,

    5.4. Photonic Crystal Waveguides,

    5.5. Photonic Crystal Devices,

6. Current and Future Challenges

Textbooks and References

With the intention of keeping the course au courant and up-to-the-minute, the topics to be covered are mostly based on review papers, tutorials, and research articles, which are recently published in miscellaneous  journals. These manuscripts and papers will be disseminated among the students and they will be fully discussed during the semester. However, reading and consulting the following textbooks is certainly advantageous to your perception of the subject:

  1. Integrated Optics, Robert G. Hupsberger, Springer, 2009.
  2. Integrated Photonics, Fundamentals, G. Lifante, John Wiley, 2003.
  3. Guided-Wave Optoelectronics, T. Tamir, Springer, 1999.
  4. Electromagnetic Theory of Gratings, R. Petit, 1980.
  5. Optical Materials, J. H. Simmons, K. S. Potter, Academic Press, 2000.
  6. Photonic Crystals, Molding the Flow of Light, Joannopoulos, et. al, Princeton University Press, 1995.
  7. Optical Properties of Photonic Crystals, K. Sakuda, Springer, 2001.

You can pick up the notes here


Run the following .m files using MATLAB. Explain how these programs work and insert the appropriate comments. Use them to extract:

a) Goos-Haenchen shift and giant Goos-Haenchen shift

b) TE and TM guided modes

mfiles are here