Quantum Computation and Information

Vahid Karimipour

Sharif University of Technology

Description and Prerequisites

This is a two semester course on quantum computation and quantum information. It is open to all Phd and MS students from departments of physics, mathematics, computer science and electrical engineering. Only in rare cases undergraduate students can enroll in this course. At the end of the course, the student is supposed to be able to follow the the existing literature on the subject and prepare him or herself for doing original research. Those who are from departments other than physics, can self-study the first three lecture notes which introdcues them to the basics of quantum mechanics needed for this course.

Lecture Notes
Quantum Computation and Information I
Quantum Computation and Information II
Quantum Information
Pdf files of the slides to show a perspective of quantum information
Class Schedule.
The classes will be held on Sunday and Tuesday from 5:00 till 7:00 pm.

     Recitation Classes

Name of the TA Weekly Schedule
Abolfazl Farmanian TBA
Amir Hossein Tangestaninezhad TBA

The times of delivering exercises and their due dates are:

Set No. Release Date Deadline Grading Date
1 13 Mehr 1403 27 Mehr 1403 11 Aban 1403
2 17 Mehr 1403 11 Aban 1403 25 Aban 1403
3 11 Aban 1403 25 Aban 1403 9 Azar 1403
4 25 Aban 1403 16 Azar 1403 30 Azar 1403
5 16 Azar 1403 30 Azar 1403 14 Day 1403
6 30 Azar 1403 14 Day 1403 28 Day 1403
7 14 Day 1403 28 Day 1403 12 Bahman 1403
Grading Systems
Grading Systems

Your final grade is determined according to the following table: Each exam naturally needs that you know the material up to that exam.

Score from 20 Date
Midterm Exam 6 First Azar 1403, 3:00 PM
Homeworks 8 ---
Final Exam 6 TBA

So you have 20 points points. The percentage of your Homework grades that is taken into accout depends on your Midterm+Final exam, according to the following table:

Midterm+Final Grade Percentage of Homework Grades
[10, 12] 100 Percent
[8 , 10) 90 Percent
[6 , 8) 80 Percent
[4 , 6) 70 Percent
[2 , 4) 60 Percent
[0 , 2) 50 Percent